20170516: Python script to convert .csv to "triple store"
A python script to take a .csv file and convert it to a tab delimited file in "triple store" (id/name/value pairs). Source File: https://data.nasa.gov/Space-Science/Meteorite-Landings/gh4g-9sfh takes a file with 45,717 records (10 columns) and creates a file with over 500k records (3 columns). I probably should add the following to remove any possible tabs in the values: str1 = str1.replace('\t', '') #createTripleStore.py import pandas as pd myFileName = "Meteorite_Landings.csv" #if you do not know the id column, set it to N/A or "" myIdColumn = "id" #myIdColumn = "" myOutFileName = myFileName + ".TabFileOut.txt" df=pd.read_csv(myFileName, encoding='UTF-8') df['myFileName'] = myFileName rows_list=[] i = 0 for index, row in df.iterrows(): i = i + 1 if myIdColumn is None or myIdColumn == "" or myIdColumn == "N/A": myIdColumnValue = i else: ...