It's Five O'Clock Somewhere...
Is it Friday Five O'Clock Yet???
Here's a little way you can do a countdown to Friday Five O'Clock using a simple little Oracle PL/SQL function and query.
Until next time...Rich
Note: This assumes your database server is in your same timezone!!!
Here's a little way you can do a countdown to Friday Five O'Clock using a simple little Oracle PL/SQL function and query.
Until next time...Rich
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fx_elapsed_string( p_start DATE, p_end DATE) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS lv_big DATE; lv_small DATE; lv_string VARCHAR2(120); BEGIN IF p_start > p_end THEN lv_big := p_start; lv_small := p_end; ELSE lv_big := p_end; lv_small := p_start; END IF; SELECT (extract(day from ((lv_big - lv_small) day to second))*24) + extract(hour from ((lv_big - lv_small) day to second))||':'|| substr('0'|| extract(minute from ((lv_big - lv_small) day to second)), -2) ||':'|| substr('0'|| extract(second from ((sysdate - lv_small) day to second)), -2) INTO lv_string FROM DUAL; RETURN lv_string; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE; END; / show errors SQL> SELECT fx_elapsed_string(sysdate, trunc(NEXT_DAY(SYSDATE, 'FRI')) + 17/24) "HH:MM:SS until Friday 5pm" FROM DUAL; HH:MM:SS until Friday 5pm ---------------------------------- 34:14:00
Note: This assumes your database server is in your same timezone!!!