DataGeek's second day on the job...
Microsoft Access is fantastic, except when...
more than one person begins to use it...
it becomes "too big"...
the person who built it leaves & you need to make a change to it...
you need to convert it to a production platform (better database) and all the tables and fields have names which are mIxEdCaSE and "h a v e s p a c e s"...
it becomes corrupt... Heck, Microsoft knows Access DB's become corrupt and they have even given us a toolbar option to "correct and repair" the database (very kind of them)
that person who works 2,000 miles away wants to use it...
you've got multiple versions of it...
security? What security? In all my time working with these databases I've only seen one created where security was at least attempted...
When (not IF) any/all of these things happen, the Microsoft Access database becomes not-so-fantastic...
Today is DataGeek's second day on the job and look at what he stumbled upon!
The quintessential Microsoft Access database we all know and love...
Until next time...Rich
Related Post: If you haven't seen it yet, take a peek at what happened at DataGeek's first day on the job here...
Note: Thank you to @MarkHorseman @OCDQBlog @daraghobrien @PhilSimon for the inspiration!
When (not IF) any/all of these things happen, the Microsoft Access database becomes not-so-fantastic...
Today is DataGeek's second day on the job and look at what he stumbled upon!
The quintessential Microsoft Access database we all know and love...
Until next time...Rich
Related Post: If you haven't seen it yet, take a peek at what happened at DataGeek's first day on the job here...
Note: Thank you to @MarkHorseman @OCDQBlog @daraghobrien @PhilSimon for the inspiration!