Charting Day - Researching FREE(ish) charting libraries

I'm finishing off my day looking for a FREE (or cheep) charting libraries for one of our applications to show off our pretty data (I'm very proud). I'd prefer not to end up on any chartjunk websites so I better do this right.

Some contenders:
Flot – Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery. The focus is on easy usage , attractive plots and interactive features. With Flot you can interact with the data, look at specific data by zooming in, plot a time series, and other various options.

Emprise JavaScript Charts – Emprise JavaScript Charts is a 100% Pure JavaScript Charting Solution that requires no JavaScript frameworks. Emprise JavaScript Charts include Line, Area, Scatter, Pie, Bar charts with zooming, scaling and scrolling ability. Tested and works with all major browsers.
- varying costs from $100 to $1000.

ProtoChart is an opensource library using Prototype and Canvas to create good looking charts. This library is highly motivated by Flot, Flotr and PlotKit libraries. It supports line, bar, pie, curve, mix, and area charts, multiple data series on same graph, customizable legend, grid, grid border and background. It supports: IE6/7, FF2/3 and Safari and even works on an iPhone.

inertSoft Style Chart (free, embeddable charting service):

Open Flash Chart – Open Flash Chart is a Flash charting component. It is fairly easy to setup and has classes written in PHP, Perl, Python, Java, Ruby on Rails, and .Net to connect to the Chart. You can create some really nice looking Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Area Charts and etc…

JSCharts: $149 for A "single-user commercial license" can be used for using the component on a single website. shows how to use .xml docs as data source, very clean

Sparklines: Gotta love them! This jQuery plugin generates sparklines (small inline charts) directly in the browser using data supplied either inline in the HTML, or via javascript. I guess I should know what jQuery is but to be honest I don't.

XML/SWF Charts: here's one that would cost us $50 for a single domain or $600 for the bulk license. Looks like you feed it XML to make the chart, then we could use whatever application software we want to generate the XML.

TufteGraph: bar and stacked bar charts only using jQuery. Oh to be as cool as Tufte....

AmCharts is a set of Flash charts for your websites and Web-based products (275 Euro For unlimited use in websites that you own or develop). AmCharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or they can read dynamic data generated with PHP, .NET, Java, Ruby on Rails, Perl, ColdFusion, and many other programming languages.

While digging I found this nice graphic - kind of a chart about charts I suppose:

Until next time...Rich


bathmate said…
Its really very impressive and attractive. I like it. I think others will like it and find it useful for them. Good luck.Bathmate