DataGeek thinks he rocks... NOT!

For a short moment DataGeek thought everything in the world was OK...

The reality here is that some people want perfection when in fact a small margin of error is acceptable. I don't really have a "golden rule", but if having a small number of errors in a database is not life threatening, then your time and effort (Return On Investment a.k.a. ROI) is most likely better spent elsewhere, such as setting up a data monitoring program to periodically check for errors.

If this monitoring program determines the error rates are too high, then all the alarms should be triggered and people should take action.

We all need to know when "good" is "good enough"...

Until next time...Rich

Related Post: See how DataGeek attempts to make friends over a beer at happy hour here...


Mil Andrews said…
some people just don't have a clue;) sounds like something the govt would ask. haha!
Murnane said…
Hi Mil, thanks for the comment.

DataGeek really needs to do a better job communicating why he believes this "good" is "good enough".

DataGeek also needs to get that monitoring in place!

Lastly, DataGeek needs to know when he's come down with "foot-in-mouth disease"!

Mil Andrews said…
no, totally hilarious! love your strip!!