
Showing posts from 2006

NY Times article on Open Source intelligence, Data visualization, and social software in the agencies

An Excel Nugget: removing the hyperlinks in a range

Oracle TimesTen in-memory database

Custom Rollups in Oracle: group by grouping sets and cubes

Data Interoperability presentation by Michael Gorman

Copernic desktop search

3rd day at Oracle Open World

2nd day at Oracle Open World

1st day at Oracle Open World

First glance at EnterpriseDB 8.1

Why start from scratch ?

Browser (Ajax) based Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD's)

Firefox: YubNub toolbar

Quote of the day: Mark Twain

Oracle APEX: A question from my buddy Prabhu

Excel: Corrupt file opened in "Open Office"

Pentaho: Open Source Business Intelligence

Excel: Linked Cell Report

Tag Clouds

I did it "My way"

DMReview: The Future of Data Management

AJAX Portals From Prabhu Shanmugam

Can you teach me macros?

The Doldrums

DM Review interviews Ralph Kimball

Craig Mullins: Data Administration and Database Administration are Both Vital

Levenshtein Distance Algorithm: Oracle PL/SQL Implementation using a two-dimensional array of numbers

Approximate string processing

Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For

Toad for DB2


Yahoo!'s REST API for search

Defining a two-dimensional array of numbers by Steve Feuerstein

Extracting your MS Outlook tasks to XML