
Showing posts from 2009

Are we ready for all this data?

Data by itself doesn't tell the story...

A new database to see...

LinkedIn question: "Open source ETL for MySql ?"

Build me a database please...

A data geek's list of things he's thankful for...

Unless your perfect, expect some giggles when opening your (data) kimono...

Single Version of the Truth? An online battle of wit and knowledge sharing for those interested in Data Quality (who wouldn't be interested?)...

Choices you have when receiving data that has data quality issues

Open Source BI/Reporting - two years later

MS Access useful queries

Data Quality mentioned in a Gartner keynote?

Charting Day - Researching FREE(ish) charting libraries

"Tipping Point" for Data Quality and Data Governance?

DataFlux Ideas conference

BeyeNETWORK Podcast - my 5 minutes of fame...

Blog entries

Great circle distance Microsoft Excel Function

DAMA-NCR quarterly meeting - September 15th, 2009

Very cool illustration - wonder if it's true...

Data Analyst - DC Metro Area (Annapolis MD)

Data Architect - DC Metro Area (Annapolis MD)

First Glance: Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

Interesting timeline and mapping visualization

The Manga Guide to Databases

Data Architect - DC Metro Area (Annapolis MD)

Sometimes Amazon's targeted marketing just doesn't work...

Data Quality statistics - looking for current quotes or statistics

Typealyzer thinks I'm an ISTP

A great example of simple data visualization